Surprise Eggs Freddy&39;s Five Toys

What's hidden inside the eggs? Tap an egg until find out what the big surprise is hidden in eac……


Surprise Eggs Freddy&39;s Five Toys是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Surprise Eggs Freddy&39;s Five Toys的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


What's hidden inside the eggs? Tap an egg until find out what the big surprise is hidden in each egg! Use this game to keep your girls occupied.Surprise Eggs Freddy's Toys is entertaining game and is surprise eggs virtual simulator combining a chocolate egg, surprise and toys. If you have kids who like to open surprise eggs, this is the most beautiful app for them. You will find many gifts to collect that belong to Freddy's characters and to...

What#039;s hidden inside the eggs Tap an egg until find out what the big surprise is hidden in each egg! Use this game to keep your girls occupied.

surprise Eggs freddy#039;s Toys is entertAIning game and is surprise eggs virtual simulator combining a chocolate egg,surprise and toys. If you have kids who like to open surprise eggs,this is the most beautiful app for them.

You will find many gifts to collect that belong to freddy#039;s characters and toys.

How to play:

* choose the egg whichever you want to open

* Use your fingers and tap to scrape the paper from the egg

* Break the chocolate egg

* Tap the egg contAIner to get to your surprise toys.

The goal is very simple: Open chocolate eggs to discover a lot of new freddy surprises and toys.

There are different type of surprise eggs:

* Toy surprise

* Lego Toys

* Princess

DisclAImer: five Nights at freddy#039;s is a trademark of the scott cawthon which does not sponsor,authorize or endorse this app.

This application complies wITh the guiding principles of the Us copyright law quot;fAIr usequot;.

