A colorful game of logic!"I can say with absolute confidence that this is the best puzzle app of 2016 so far, bar none. 10/10. " - G4RYB is a logic puzzle game full of beautiful, minimalist puzzles. Each level has a logical, unique solution. Can you find it?Accolades and Awards------------------------------RYB is an official PAXEast Indie MEGABOOTH 2016 selection.Game Informer named RYB as one of their "Stand Out Indies of PAX East 2016"...
quot;I can say wITh absolute confidence that this is the best puzzle app of 2016 so far,bar none. 10/10. quot; - G4
RYB is a logic puzzle game full of beautiful,minimalist puzzles. Each level has a logical,unique solution. can you find IT
RYB is an official PAXEast Indie MEGABOOTH 2016 selection.
Game Informer named RYB as one of their quot;stand Out Indies of PAX East 2016quot;
quot;Given just how many options there are in the genre,minimalist puzzle games really need to be spectacular to stand out from the crowd. RYB does this wITh ease.quot; - Pixelkin.org
Indie Hangover named RYB as one of their quot;5 fantastic Indie Puzzle Games from PAX Eastquot;
quot;RYB is a tITle that anyone looking for a puzzle game should look into as ITs gameplay is extremely entertAIning and relaxing.quot; - cubed3.com
RYB was named one of the top 7 booths at PAXEast by comic Plug
quot;Through ITs visual learning and satisfying challenge,RYB stands out as a must-play puzzler for players looking for a game where logic and learning ensures success over trial and error.quot; - Indie Game Enthusiast
for support related to the game,please contact fleb@flebpuzzles.com