Mouth Mover is the most popular talking mouth app on the App Store! The most responsive, smoothest, and best moving mouth app available!Now works with iOS 7! With over 2.5 million downloads overall!Talk louder and watch the mouths open wider! The mouths change shape from how quiet or loud you talk!St. Patrick's Day and Easter mouth packs now available!Used throughout the world! Seen on TV! Most recently seen in the 11Alive Newsroom!New holiday cartoon...
Mouth Mover is the most popular talking mouth app on the App store! The most responsive,smoothest,and best moving mouth app AVAIlable!
Now works wITh iOs 7! WITh over 2.5 million downloads overall!
Talk louder and watch the mouths open wider! The mouths change shape from how quiet or loud you talk!
st. Patrick#039;s Day and Easter mouth packs now AVAIlable!
Used throughout the world! seen on TV! Most recently seen in the 11Alive Newsroom!
New holiday cartoon mouths now AVAIlable! Be santa,Rudolph,the Grinch,frosty the snowman,and more!
sing and laugh! Talk or yell! These mouths will move just like yours!
Having a new mouth couldn#039;t be any easier! simply put your iPhone,iPad,or iPod touch in front of your mouth to show off to your friends and family! choose from twenty hand drawn mouths to speak wITh and have a blast wITh your funny new face!
-iPhone,iPod touch compatible.
-Graphics designed for Retina displays - no fuzziness.