The planet Blueton is being threatened by runaway black holes from the galaxy Parson-5. You have been entrusted to save the Bluetonites from certain destruction.Event Horizon is a fun, simple game of phone-tilting dexterity. Keep Blueton away from the ever-increasing number of black holes. Please let me know of any bugs and I will get them fixed as soon as I can. Any suggestions for improvement are always appreciated.Thank you for your support!Gas Factor G...
The planet Blueton is being threatened by runaway black holes from the galaxy Parson-5. You have been entrusted to save the BluetonITes from certAIn destruction.
Event Horizon is a fun,simple game of phone-tilting dexterITy. Keep Blueton away from the ever-increasing number of black holes.
Please let me know of any bugs and I will get them fixed as soon as I can. Any suggestions for improvement are always appreciated.
Background music TITle: Alien Tomb Explorers
Thank you to Mario Zechner for the game framework!!