Fairy Kingdom: Castle of Magic

Fairy Kingdom is a fairytale about a young Fairy and an evil Witch, of the triumph of love over spit……
Fairy Kingdom: Castle of Magic是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Fairy Kingdom: Castle of Magic的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Fairy Kingdom is a fairytale about a young Fairy and an evil Witch, of the triumph of love over spite and greed. It’s a story of heroes and their adventures, royal castles and exploration of new lands. This is a story of mysteries, treasures and magic, but first of all, this is your story, Your Majesty.What to expect:● meeting with a vegan-dragon● learning the mystery of a ghost who lost his memory● learning the mystery of the enchanted P...

fAIry Kingdom is a fAIrytale about a young fAIry and an evil WITch,of the triumph of love over spITe and greed. ITs a story of heroes and their adventures,royal castles and exploration of new lands. This is a story of mysteries,treasures and magic,but first of all,this is your story,Your Majesty.

What to expect:

● meeting wITh a vegan-dragon

● learning the mystery of a ghost who lost his memory

● learning the mystery of the enchanted Princess and Prince

solving the puzzle of a crazy alchemist

● learning the story of a talking cat

● taking care of mermAids

fighting the treacherous and evil WITch

solving the financial cr*** of your Kingdom

● learning the love stories of a female dragon-hunter

finding old treasures and hiding new ones

● visITing balls and much,much more mysterious,magical and royal

Once you rebuild your Kingdom you will explore the lands unknown. Only a smart and resourceful ruler will be able to solve all of the puzzles and problems that come wITh governing a fAIry Kingdom!

If you havent downloaded our game yet then you arent sure of your powers. stop doubting yourself and become the ruler of your Kingdom! Hundreds of thousands of players around the world are playing fAIry Kingdom and now ITs your turn!

Become a member of the fAIry Kingdom communITy. Here,you will find all of the latest news,excITing contests and presents,learn the secrets of experienced players and,of course,make new friends.


You can also learn the latest fAIry Kingdom news at:


What other players have to say about fAIry Kingdom:

5/5 quot;fun to play time consuming and addictive.quot;

5/5 quot;Loved the game on my laptop,love IT even more now that I can take IT wITh me wherever I go.quot;

5/5 quot;IT has been a nice experience to bond wITh my kid.quot;

5/5 quot;There#039;s a nice story that goes along wITh IT,you should give IT a try.quot;

5/5 quot;I love castles so I love this game I#039;ve only been playing for 2 weeks,I love IT IT#039;s so easy to get crystals for special things so far the quests are easy to finish. IT may get harder the further I go.quot;

