Basics in Education & learning

Basic Education & Learning in School is a quick indie horror game, fully 3D interactive, fun-tim……


Basics in Education & learning是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Basics in Education & learning的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Basic Education & Learning in School is a quick indie horror game, fully 3D interactive, fun-time educational game that teaches a slew of subjectsYou need collect all 7 of the notebooks and escape the school, all while avoiding Baldi. Scary teacher Baldi has many friends in the school that will slow down your progress and put you at risk of being caught, so learn how each character works and how you can avoid their attention.Basics in Education & S...

Basic Education Learning in school is a quick indie horror game,fully 3D interactive,fun-time educational game that teaches a slew of subjects

You need collect all 7 of the notebooks and escape the school,all while avoiding Baldi. scary teacher Baldi has many friends in the school that will slow down your progress and put you at risk of being caught,so learn how each character works and how you can avoid their attention.

Basics in Education school Learning for Kids IT#039;s a perfect educational app special for you!

The concept of this app is like BALDIs the bald teacher,basically,you have to chose the category you want to learn (Alphabets,colors,Numbers,shapes),and you#039;ll find what you want to learn wITh picture and sound of pronunciation.

Baldi is chasing you,you have a limITed amount of time,Baldi#039;s basically perfect,wITh bald head,he looks scary.


** This is not Baldis Basics adventures game and has no relation wITh IT. The concept of this app is completely different. The content in this app is not affiliated wITh,endorsed,sponsored,or specifically approved by any company. All copyright and trademarks are owned by their respective owners. The images in this application are collected from around the web,if we are in breach of copyright,please let us know and IT will be removed as soon as possible.

