Chip Master: Theme Park

Put your thinking cap on and plunge into this casino style puzzle game, Chip Master! Once you start ……


Chip Master: Theme Park是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Chip Master: Theme Park的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Put your thinking cap on and plunge into this casino style puzzle game, Chip Master! Once you start the game, you’ll have a hard time tearing your eyes away! Stretch those mental muscles as you place your chips wisely down on the board. Careful! Think your moves out before you make your decision as only certain types of chips can combine together. Beware of your placement, before you know it you will have run out of space! Moreover, there are many wo...

Put your thinking cap on and plunge into this casino style puzzle game,chip Master!

Once you start the game,youll have a hard time tearing your eyes away!

stretch those mental muscles as you place your chips wisely down on the board. careful! Think your moves out before you make your decision as only certAIn types of chips can combine together. Beware of your placement,before you know IT you will have run out of space!

Moreover,there are many wonderful rides for your theme park.

Just try to make lots of money and to own your theme park.

