Scary Chat Stories - Hooked on Texts

Scary Chat Stories lets you read scared chat stories on your phone. These are scary, engrossing nail……


Scary Chat Stories - Hooked on Texts是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Scary Chat Stories - Hooked on Texts的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Scary Chat Stories lets you read scared chat stories on your phone. These are scary, engrossing nail-biting horrors that will keep you reading through the day. Read a lot of stories with your friends.Every chat story is shown as a text message conversation, like you're reading their chat history. If you like apps like hooked, you will love hooked on texts.We love scary stories, but it's boring when stories are too long. So we created Scary Chat S...

scary chat stories lets you read scared chat stories on your phone. These are scary,engrossing nAIl-bITing horrors that will keep you reading through the day. Read a lot of stories wITh your friends.

Every chat story is shown as a text message conversation,like you#039;re reading their chat history. If you like apps like hooked,you will love hooked on texts.

We love scary stories,but IT#039;s boring when stories are too long. so we created scary chat stories - Hooked on Texts to make reading short,scary and hooked!

New stories added dAIly!

