Happy Wheels Zombie

Happy Wheels Zombie is a free game with realistic physics simulation. Happy wheels zombie is funny a……


Happy Wheels Zombie是一款有趣的苹果休闲游戏,喜欢Happy Wheels Zombie的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Happy Wheels Zombie is a free game with realistic physics simulation. Happy wheels zombie is funny as like happy wheels with the blood effects game. Happy wheels zombie provides you with an infinite amount of levels.All you have to do is to take the zombie to the other side with all his limbs as possible. Happy wheels zombie is easy to control, tap left or right to accelerate, a button will appear at the top to apply an impulse in case the zombie chair whe...

Happy Wheels Zombie is a free game wITh realistic physics simulation. Happy wheels zombie is funny as like happy wheels wITh the blood effects game. Happy wheels zombie provides you wITh an infinITe amount of levels.

All you have to do is to take the zombie to the other side wITh all his limbs as possible. Happy wheels zombie is easy to control,tap left or right to accelerate,a button will appear at the top to apply an impulse in case the zombie chAIr wheel is blocked.

In the Happy wheels zombie game you will certAInly fall in a very funny sITuation,so get fun and play is now.

