Battle Girl HeroesThere were heroes who are active and unknown.This real world is full of negative emotions.Jealousy, review, regret ...When you get over such a negative emotion,It gathers and becomes entity and "There are times when" a person dyed black "may come out ...It is said that it affects the human psychology of reality ...Heroes who were given the power to beat those guysWe are fighting where everybody knows.These are the heroes ma...
Battle Girl Heroes
There were heroes who are active and unknown.
This real world is full of negative emotions.
Jealousy,review,regret ...
When you get over such a negative emotion,
IT gathers and becomes entITy and quot;There are times whenquot; a person dyed black quot;may come out ...
IT is sAid that IT affects the human psychology of realITy ...
Heroes who were given the power to beat those guys
We are fighting where everybody knows.
These are the heroes made from people#039;s conscience!
Which mind is this battle,to control
A wonderful,big fight begins ...
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