
Download the Just Cause 3 - WingSuit Experience for free now and explore the beautiful Mediterranean……


Download the Just Cause 3 - WingSuit Experience for free now and explore the beautiful Mediterranean islands of Medici from the skies, and in complete 360 degrees. This world-first app combines real in-engine capture from upcoming game, Just Cause 3, with Mindlight's unique 360-degree video capture technology to let you discover Medici through a thrilling wingsuit ride. Look around the world by moving your phone to view in any direction - it's th...

Download the Just cause 3 - WingsuIT Experience for free now and explore the beautiful MedITerranean islands of Medici from the skies,and in complete 360 degrees.

This world-first app combines real in-engine capture from upcoming game,Just cause 3,wITh Mindlight#039;s unique 360-degree video capture technology to let you discover Medici through a thrilling wingsuIT ride. Look around the world by moving your phone to view in any direction - IT#039;s that simple!

A Virtual RealITy option is included so you can feel what IT#039;s like to soar through the AIr hundreds of feet above ground! WITh extra features giving you more background on Medici#039;s key towns and history,plus access to extra content and wITh more updates to come - don#039;t miss this incredible free journey into the stunning world of upcoming game,Just cause 3.

