XAirports turns your iPad/iPhone into a 2nd monitor to use in conjunction with the flight simulator X-Plane. The app comes with a database of all 35000 airports together with the associated ATC, VOR and ILS frequencies. Important flight parameters can be set during flight and sent via Wi-Fi to X-Plane, avoiding the need to memorize data or pause the simulator. Parameters that can be transmitted:- COM and NAV frequencies (ATC, ILS, VOR)- position of your ai...
XAIrports turns your iPad/iPhone into a 2nd monITor to use in conjunction wITh the flight simulator X-Plane.
The app comes wITh a database of all 35000 AIrports together wITh the associated ATc,VOR and ILs frequencies. Important flight parameters can be set during flight and sent via Wi-fi to X-Plane,avoiding the need to memorize data or pause the simulator. Parameters that can be transmITted:
- cOM and NAV frequencies (ATc,ILs,VOR)
- posITion of your AIrcraft on an AIrport (on a runway or 3/10 nm at approach)
- Auto-Pilot and Transponder settings (AUX in-App Purchase)
- Thrust,flaps,Trims,Brakes,Landing gear (HUD in-App Purchase)
The app can also display a lot of flight parameters in real-time:
- interactive flight tracking of the player AIrcraft,up to 7 AI AIrcraft,all 34000 AIrports and 9000 VOR
- 1500 Navigation and sid/sTAR charts (subject to online AVAIlabilITy,internet connection required,AUX in-app purchase).
- Thrust,Landing gear,PosITion,AltITude,speed (flyHUD iAP)
-X-Plane 9.70
-X-Plane 10
-X-Plane 11
-no X-Plane plug-in installation required!