"Fireboy & Watergirl is a unique game" - (PocketGamer)"The 10 Best Games for the iPhone and iPad" - Kotaku"Best puzzle game" - TouchArcade ----------------------Never mix water with fire! Keep the harmony and let them find their way.Fire Boy and Water Girl need to find their way to the right door. Guide them through each level. Avoid mixing fire with water. Collect all the diamonds, be also prepared to use the levers and i...
quot;fireboy Watergirl is a unique gamequot; - (PocketGamer)
quot;The 10 Best Games for the iPhone and iPadquot; - Kotaku
quot;Best puzzle gamequot; - TouchArcade
Never mix water wITh fire! Keep the harmony and let them find their way.
fire Boy and Water Girl need to find their way to the right door. Guide them through each level. Avoid mixing fire wITh water. collect all the diamonds,be also prepared to use the levers and interact wITh the objects to reach the final goal.