This app works with PMDG 737 NGX and PMDG 777x's CDU.You can get CDU data from these plane and send button data to simulator wirelessly.Feature:- No IP setting for this app.- Night shift function.- You can use this app for 737/747/777- Support Full screen.- Same image from the PMDG simulator.(This image has been permitted to use by PMDG)Supported Program- FSX (Flight Simulator X)- FSX:SE (Steam Edition)- P3D v1, v2, v3 and v4Notice- You need another P...
This app works wITh PMDG 737 NGX and PMDG 777x#039;s cDU.
You can get cDU data from these plane and send button data to simulator wirelessly.
- You can use this app for 737/747/777
- same image from the PMDG simulator.
(This image has been permITted to use by PMDG)
supported Program
- P3D v1,v2,v3 and v4
- You need another Pc program called cDU server 1.6
(IT will not connect if you use cdu server 1.5 program)
- You can download the program at this link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1n50cp1edeqbo06/PMDGDeviceserver_1.6_eng.zipdl=0
visIT http://cduapp.tistory.com/29 for more information
- News and further info,check out this sITe.