The Dungeon

The Dark Wizard has returned from his long, evil slumber to mess with the poor town of Villageshire.……
The Dungeon是一款有趣的苹果冒险游戏,喜欢The Dungeon的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


The Dark Wizard has returned from his long, evil slumber to mess with the poor town of Villageshire. Once again, he’s stolen their only source of magical protection: the Orb! Now, it's up to a crazy, adventuring hero to fight hordes of deadly monsters to get the dumb thing back and save the town. Success grants rewards beyond your wildest dreams! Fail and they probably won't even send someone down for the body. Use your wits, skills, t...

The Dark Wizard has returned from his long,evil slumber to mess wITh the poor town of Villageshire. Once agAIn,he’s stolen their only source of magical protection: the Orb! Now,IT's up to a crazy,adventuring hero to fight hordes of deadly monsters to get the dumb thing back and save the town. success grants rewards beyond your wildest dreams! fAIl and they probably won't even send someone down for the body. Use your wITs,skills,trAIning and nerve to overcome the Dark Wizard’s obstacles and recover the Orb!

Reviews are in,and people say that The Dungeon rocks!

Game on Mac says: ". . .out of every roguelike I've played (and I've played many),this is the one I keep coming back to."

NoDPad says: "The Dungeon is perfect for quick forays,and a great semi-tradITional roguelike for when you have a lITtle time to kill."

choose your Adventurer!

Knight: Knows armor,and takes a beating like nobody's business.

fighter: Great at putting the hurt on fools,and really knows his weapons.

Wizard: Rocks out wITh super rad wands,and loves him some magics.

sage: He actually knows how to read! WOW! sadly,scrolls are his only friends. :(

Alchemist: Master of potions,and not a bad cook,eITher.

Jeweler: A delicate man,able to identify powerful rings and artifacts.

Jones: His bravery outweighs his skill. He might be a bIT crazy.


* seven classes,all wITh their own individual strengths and weaknesses.

* Oodles and oodles of monsters ripe for the slaying.

* More treasure than you can shake a wand at! Two wands won’t even get the job done. This is a three-wand kind of deal.

* forty levels of adventuring fun. fun! You can’t beat that!

* sling spells,wield weapons,quaff potions,eat food,and vanquish monsters!

* High scores,both local and Game center!

* Play your own music,and mute the game's audio!

