Double Cover

You're the best bodyguard in the business. Can you help it if you have no surviving clients? So……
Double Cover是一款有趣的苹果冒险游戏,喜欢Double Cover的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


You're the best bodyguard in the business. Can you help it if you have no surviving clients? Solve your latest customer's murder and make your detractors eat their words.This is DOUBLE COVER, another engaging first-person adventure from the makers of FLEETING MEMORY and FLEETING JOURNEY.–Try the latest offering from MysteryCaper Productions with no obligation to become a human shield. You may even unlock some hidden talents as you go. It&#0...

You're the best bodyguard in the business. can you help IT if you have no surviving clients solve your latest customer's murder and make your detractors eat their words.

This is DOUBLE cOVER,another engaging first-person adventure from the makers of fLEETING MEMORY and fLEETING JOURNEY.

Try the latest offering from Mysterycaper Productions wITh no obligation to become a human shield. You may even unlock some hidden talents as you go. IT's fun. IT's excITing. IT contAIns very lITtle celery. Dish out a heaping bowl of your awesomeness today.


• outstanding hand-drawn art

• a thrilling musical score

captivating puzzles

stirring interaction wITh the locals

• loads of wacky in-game comments

• your very own travel-sized bodyguard

• people trying to kill you

• herbs

• a lush New England landscape

• AND you,the finest amateur detective on Berwald Island

Dig in!

Mysterycaper Productions. IT's cOMEDY solVED.

