It is the official app of the topic "everyday debudori" with Instagram and Twitter!It is a story that Debudori grows with questions about how to work and live with colleagues and colleagues.Every morning a crowded train and unreasonable service overtime are attacked, but while confronting it,I will expand my range of activities little by little.Help items stay active with items such as ties and PCs!And finally, please get the secret item.
IT is the official app of the topic "everyday debudori" wITh Instagram and TwITter!
IT is a story that Debudori grows wITh questions about how to work and live wITh colleagues and colleagues.
Every morning a crowded trAIn and unreasonable service overtime are attacked,but while confronting IT,
I will expand my range of activITies lITtle by lITtle.
Help ITems stay active wITh ITems such as ties and Pcs!
And finally,please get the secret ITem.