Beyond Blue takes you into the near future, where you’ll have the opportunity to explore the mysteries of our ocean through the eyes of Mirai, a deep sea explorer and scientist. You and your newly-formed research team will use groundbreaking technologies to see, hear, and interact with the ocean in a more meaningful way than has ever been attempted. The game features an evocative narrative, exploration of an untouched world, and adventure that challe...
Beyond Blue takes you into the near future,where you’ll have the opportunITy to explore the mysteries of our ocean through the eyes of MirAI,a deep sea explorer and scientist. You and your newly-formed research team will use groundbreaking technologies to see,hear,and interact wITh the ocean in a more meaningful way than has ever been attempted. The game features an evocative narrative,exploration of an untouched world,and adventure that challenges the player to make high-stakes decisions during the crew’s expedITion.
Embracing the same inclusive development process that was used to create Never Alone (Kisima IngITchuna),E-Line’s BAfTA award-winning game about Alaska Native culture,the company partnered wITh BBc studios (developers of the acclAImed Blue Planet II),OceanX Media,world-class game makers,and some of science’s leading ocean experts to craft an experience that reflects the awesome wonder and unbounded mystery that infuses our planet’s beating blue heart.