The ultimate adventure is at your fingertips in this colossal game!While hunting for the legendary dragon eggs, TRAVEL throughout a universe without limits, MEET players from all over the world, and CREATE your own legend.Fight unique creatures and fearsome bosses, take up a profession, make use of your resources, become the leader of a guild, lead raids, participate in tournaments...With DOFUS Touch, there's adventure for all kinds!--- Characteristic...
The ultimate adventure is at your fingertips in this colossal game!
While hunting for the legendary dragon eggs,TRAVEL throughout a universe wIThout limITs,MEET players from all over the world,and cREATE your own legend.
fight unique creatures and fearsome bosses,take up a profession,make use of your resources,become the leader of a guild,lead rAids,participate in tournaments...
WITh DOfUs Touch,there#039;s adventure for all kinds!
bull; AN ENDLEss WORLD,cHALLENGEs fOR EVERYONE ndash; fight monsters,become an artisan,start or become leader of a guild,go on epic quests and win rewards,or log in just to chat... The vast universe of DOfUs Touch lets you do all this!
bull; A cHARAcTER IN YOUR IMAGE ndash; Whether you prefer striking heavy blows wITh your sword,sneakily placing traps,or healing your allies,one of the current 15 character classes will suIT YOUR type of character. In just a couple seconds,create a hero who looks like you (well,sexier,and wITh more muscle).
bull; A VAsT cOMMUNITY Of PLAYERs ndash; Bring your friends and make new ones! Assault dungeons together,or ally wITh other guilds. Whether warrior,merchant,or diplomat,you#039;ll never be alone in DOfUs Touch!
bull; TAcTIcAL PVP cONfRONTATIONs ndash; Guild wars,alliances,3 vs 3 battles in an arena or 1 on 1 battles anywhere: DOfUs Touch is also the kingdom of PvP!
bull; POWER TO EVolVE ndash; Become a powerful warrior by thrashing your enemies. Your strategy will make all the difference. Rise through 200 levels of experience and choose (or create) your equipment!
bull; AN EcONOMY RUN BY PLAYERs ndash; Exchange,share,negotiate,make your place in society. Become a baker,a fisherman,a tAIlor... or even a breeder of Dragoturkeys,the most renowned mounts in the World of Twelve!