「變色鬥」係個考你反應嘅遊戲,通過捕捉轉變中嘅顏色,讓你提升反應力,增強對色彩嘅敏感度。此外,健康係我哋關注嘅一環,所以「變色鬥」提供運動簽動鼓勵大家玩遊戲外仲要做運動,養成健康好習慣。呢個app有趣又健康,約朋友齊齊下載吧!此應用程式會從 iOS 健康應用程式 (HealthKit) 存取健康數據,並以方便使用的方式呈現。 Health app integration Please note that this app will access your health and fitness data from iOS Health app (HealthKit) and present the data in a user ...
此應用程式會從 iOs 健康應用程式 (HealthKIT) 存取健康數據,並以方便使用的方式呈現。
Health app integration Please note that this app will access your health and fITness data from iOs Health app (HealthKIT) and present the data in a user friendly way.