Campus Game

The story begins with an application on a mobile device that indicates the concentration of beautifu……
Campus Game是一款有趣的苹果街机游戏,喜欢Campus Game的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


The story begins with an application on a mobile device that indicates the concentration of beautiful girls. The radar application pointed to the Campus, which is located very close. There you meet three charming students who are clearly interested in you and are eager to communicate with you.Each has unique qualities and each needs to find its own approach. The approach to the hearts of girls lies through gifts and flirting, you can show all your amorous ...

The story begins wITh an application on a mobile device that indicates the concentration of beautiful girls. The radar application pointed to the campus,which is located very close. There you meet three charming students who are clearly interested in you and are eager to communicate wITh you.

Each has unique qualITies and each needs to find ITs own approach. The approach to the hearts of girls lies through gifts and flirting,you can show all your amorous skills using a slot machine and your wIT.

You will not remAIn indifferent,because you expect:

- Dating simulator;

- ExcITement;

- DAIly gifts;

- Bright outfITs for your girls;

- Hot flirting wITh pretty girls;

- Interesting locations in a pleasant company.

solve the path to the heart of each girl and you will be rewarded wITh addITional bonuses.

Immerse yourself in the student world of flirting,parties,hot compliments and special attention of girls in campus!

