After discovering a magical book, a young boy named Alex is whisked away to Whipseeyland, where he transforms into Whipseey, the pink, whip-wielding hero of this bright, colorful world. With the help of Princess Alyssa, Whipseey embarks on a quest to recover magical orbs that possess the power to return him home.FEATURESClassic Platformer - Inspired by classic 2D platformers, Whipseey and the Lost Atlas is a challenging throwback to agolden age filled with...
After discovering a magical book,a young boy named Alex is whisked away to Whipseeyland,where he transforms into Whipseey,the pink,whip-wielding hero of this bright,colorful world. WITh the help of Princess Alyssa,Whipseey embarks on a quest to recover magical orbs that possess the power to return him home.
classic Platformer - Inspired by classic 2D platformers,Whipseey and the Lost Atlas is a challenging throwback to a
golden age filled wITh picturesque levels,a relaxing soundtrack,and memorable boss fights.
Pixel Art - Beautiful pixel art rendered characters and backgrounds to enjoy along the way,by artist Roy Nathan De Groot.