
Gobang is a pure strategy chess game in which two people play against each other.Both sides use blac……


Gobang is a pure strategy chess game in which two people play against each other.Both sides use black and white chess pieces and place them on the intersection of the straight and horizontal lines of the board. The first to form a line of five pieces wins.Gobang can not only enhance thinking ability and improve intelligence, but is also rich in philosophy, which is helpful for self-cultivation.

Gobang is a pure strategy chess game in which two people play agAInst each other.

Both sides use black and whITe chess pieces and place them on the intersection of the strAIght and horizontal lines of the board. The first to form a line of five pieces wins.

Gobang can not only enhance thinking abilITy and improve intelligence,but is also rich in philosophy,which is helpful for self-cultivation.

