Mastermind - Break the code

Mastermind is a code-breaking game.There is a hidden color code combination.Can you guess all the co……
Mastermind - Break the code是一款有趣的苹果桌面游戏,喜欢Mastermind - Break the code的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Mastermind is a code-breaking game.There is a hidden color code combination.Can you guess all the colors and in the right position?Place a row of colors on the decoding board and press Validate.Based on your proposed solution, you'll receive white and black marks.WHITE marks for a color match and BLACK marks for a color match that is also in the right place.You win by matching all colors and in the correct position.There are limited tries based on the...

Mastermind is a code-breaking game.

There is a hidden color code combination.

can you guess all the colors and in the right posITion

Place a row of colors on the decoding board and press Validate.

Based on your proposed solution,you'll receive whITe and black marks.

WHITE marks for a color match and BLAcK marks for a color match that is also in the right place.

You win by matching all colors and in the correct posITion.

There are limITed tries based on the combination of color and palceholders.

- 8 colors / 6 placeholders - 12 tries

- 8 colors / 5 placeholders - 11 tries

- 6 colors / 5 placeholders - 9 tries

- 6 colors / 4 placeholders - 8 tries

If "Allow same color" is selected,the hidden code may contAIn duplicated colors. On evaluation,duplicates are treated as unique colors. e.g. you'll only get one whITe mark for a color even if IT's twice in the code.

