CREATE YOUR KINGDOMShape the land, build sprawling towns and recruit and train a powerful army. Conquer new territories to expand your realm and defeat rival lords and other players in epic real-time battles. FEATURES• Build and expand your Kingdom, with farms, quarries, blacksmiths and more.• Alter the land by creating rivers, lakes and mountains.• Command your army in large-scale battles.• Battle other players in real-time.• Cros...
shape the land,build sprawling towns and recruIT and trAIn a powerful army.
conquer new terrITories to expand your realm and defeat rival lords and other players in epic real-time battles.
bull; Build and expand your Kingdom,wITh farms,quarries,blacksmIThs and more.
bull; Alter the land by creating rivers,lakes and mountAIns.
bull; command your army in large-scale battles.
bull; Battle other players in real-time.
bull; cross-Platform - Play on Phones,Tablet,and Pc,whenever you want,wherever you want. Actions in your Kingdom will carry over onto any device you play on.
bull; from the creators of the award-winning Total Wartrade; games.
bull; Android 4.2 or higher
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Total War Battles: KINGDOM is free to download and play.
AddITional Gold can be purchased using real money. More information on in-app purchases is AVAIlable here: http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War_Battles_Kingdom_Information
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