Zombie Defence

HOW to PLAY Monster Defense1. Touch a grave and summon a monster2. Combine two same monsters into a ……
Zombie Defence是一款有趣的苹果策略游戏,喜欢Zombie Defence的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


HOW to PLAY Monster Defense1. Touch a grave and summon a monster2. Combine two same monsters into a stronger one3. Build up your monster legion to defend the tower against HUMANS.4. Level up at battles and challenge higher rankWhat is special at Monster Defence1. You lead a legion of monsters2. You will experience CUTE and SCARY moments3. You can be friends with awesome monsters

HOW to PLAY Monster Defense

1. Touch a grave and summon a monster

2. combine two same monsters into a stronger one

3. Build up your monster legion to defend the tower agAInst HUMANs.

4. Level up at battles and challenge higher rank

What is special at Monster Defence

1. You lead a legion of monsters

2. You will experience cUTE and scARY moments

3. You can be friends wITh awesome monsters

