The pinnacle of Japanese Mobile Strategy RPGs enjoyed by millions in Japan, THE ALCHEMIST CODE brings forth an enjoyable mix of genuine tactical elements and a plethora of high quality content - from intense 3D animations to stunning anime-styled cutscenes as well as superb music and voice acting!Play your cards right - master the arcane power of Alchemy and alter the fate of the world!FULL-FLEDGED STRATEGY RPG* Classic turn-based battle system with grid-b...
The pinnacle of Japanese Mobile strategy RPGs enjoyed by millions in Japan,THE ALcHEMIsT cODE brings forth an enjoyable mix of genuine tactical elements and a plethora of high qualITy content - from intense 3D animations to stunning anime-styled cutscenes as well as superb music and voice acting!
Play your cards right - master the arcane power of Alchemy and alter the fate of the world!
* classic turn-based battle system wITh grid-based movement
* command strategic unITs on 3D terrAIns,consider the difference in elevation and orientation to turn the tides of battles
* summon,collect and evolve more than 50 beautifully designed characters
* Master a wide selection of Jobs classes,unlock new abilITies and outfITs
* Real-time 4P multiplayer co-op - challenge high-level dungeons wITh 3 other players
* Put your skills to the test at the Arena! Battle fellow players to climb DAIly Arena Rankings and get rewarded
* Go on invigorating adventures and traverse through unique landscapes
* Take up excITing Missions and challenges dAIly and get fantastic rewards
* Discover intriguing character personalITies,gripping backstories and quests
The forbidden Art of Alchemy brought about destruction and a world divided by differing ideals.
IT was sealed away into the darkness by the seven Kingdoms of Babel...
However,ITs seal has shown signs of weakening,signalling an eminent foreshadowing of what#039;s to come..
Bestowed wITh the power of Alchemy,who will prevAIl,and bring about a change in the world Where will your will take you and how will the world judge you
- Mankinds Will is merely at the mercy of the stones of Gods -
NOTIcE: THE ALcHEMIsT cODE is completely free to play. However,some in-game ITems can also be bought wITh real money.
facebook: facebook.com/thealchemistcode
Instagram: instagram.com/alchemist_code
TwITter: twITter/alchemist_code
** THE ALcHEMIsT cODE requires a device wITh iOs 8 and above.
** A device wITh a minimum of 1GB RAM is recommended. Performance is not guaranteed on devices wITh less than 1GB RAM
** 1.8 GB free space in phone internal memory is recommended to install the game wITh all of the downloadable contents.
** contact us on https://alchemistww.zendesk.com/ for further help wITh technical issues.