The Black Hole.io is a traffic and road safety awareness endless game from our daily lives where each people witness the careless people who meets an accident while crossing road, while driving, while on railway station/train station, while ignoring traffic rules etc by using mobile phones and other electronic gadgets.Game Features :- Drag the black.io hole with your finger !- Collect coins and points on pulling people into the hole !- Drag people into the...
The Black Hole.io is a traffic and road safety awareness endless game from our dAIly lives where each people wITness the careless people who meets an accident while crossing road,while driving,while on rAIlway station/trAIn station,while ignoring traffic rules etc by using mobile phones and other electronic gadgets.
- Drag the black.io hole wITh your finger !
- collect coins and points on pulling people into the hole !
- Drag people into the hole and survive !
- Drag .io people using phone !
Into The Hole is a torn chapter in everyday#039;s life i.e wITh the advancement in technology safety has become a greatest concern.Into The Hole shows a portion of IT and ITs de-merITs wITh such advancement.