Power Cubes are the custodians of ancient artifacts.Once upon a time, at the dawn of centuries on earth, there lived the ancient civilization of the Titans. They owned artifacts of incredible power. Each artifact is endowed with its own unique power. Some artifacts are capable of creating life, some can give protection, while some can produce a bountiful harvest. Other artifacts carry nothing but death and devastation. The Titans called these artifacts sto...
Power cubes are the custodians of ancient artifacts.
Once upon a time,at the dawn of centuries on earth,there lived the ancient civilization of the TITans. They owned artifacts of incredible power. Each artifact is endowed wITh ITs own unique power. some artifacts are capable of creating life,some can give protection,while some can produce a bountiful harvest. Other artifacts carry nothing but death and devastation. The TITans called these artifacts stones of power. Among the artifacts is the most important one ndash; the artifact of the creator. This particular artifact is the key to all the other artifacts. Only this artifact can release and even control the power of other artifacts.
Power cubes are keepers of stones. Each cube is a unique vault ndash; a puzzle wITh a variable combination. You can only open the power cubes by solving a puzzle wIThin an allotted time. If you are unable to solve the puzzle wIThin the allotted time,the cube will change ITs key and you will have to start afresh from the begining.
In the game,you have only one opponent ndash; TIME! In order to discover the secret of artifacts,you will have to enter into a contest wITh time and win. Tip: try to speed up your game time.
Download the app and enjoy the famous puzzle in a new interpretation. This game is more than just a Rubik#039;s cube. You will go on complex missions and puzzles of varying complexITy. You have to conquer time,discover all the ancient artifacts and surpass yourself. And in the end,you#039;ll find a special artifact ndash; the artifact of the creator. You#039;ll be able to learn the secret of the origin of the cubes only when you have opened all the artifacts. You#039;ll also find out where and why the mighty civilization of the TITans disappeared.
The game contAIns cubes of different sizes and varying complexITy. In this version,there are cubes of the following dimensions: 2x2,3x3,4x4,5x5,6x6,7x7,8x8,9x9.
Note that this is a fantastic gymnastics for the brAIn. And your best companion when traveling! Or just whenever you#039;re bored. Pump up your Rubik#039;s cube skills. And if you don#039;t know how to solve the Rubik#039;s cube,then IT#039;s time to learn! Let#039;s head to the world of ancient artifacts!
Ps: We have tried to make the cube mechanics and control more pleasant. We#039;ve also tried to get rid of all errors. But,we are still continuing to improve the game. Please send us your wishes and opinions. since this is the first version of the game,errors are inevITable. Please wrITe us if you find any.
And please do not stint on your reviews! We#039;ve worked on this game for a long time to make IT the way you have seen IT. If you like the game,please leave your feedback in the Appstore. And tell your friends and acquAIntances about the game. Perhaps they will also like IT.