Lateral Thinking Puzzles are a kind of twister-puzzles, which are like the description of strange and unusual situations. Lateral Thinking Puzzles are a wonderful way to have a fun and exciting time in big companies at parties or in a cafe. Game do not require space or special attributes, so they are ideal for situations where you need to do with on your way.It is very simple to play Lateral Thinking Puzzles. The presenter explains the puzzle (situation), ...
Lateral Thinking Puzzles are a kind of twister-puzzles,which are like the description of strange and unusual sITuations. Lateral Thinking Puzzles are a wonderful way to have a fun and excITing time in big companies at parties or in a cafe. Game do not require space or special attributes,so they are ideal for sITuations where you need to do wITh on your way.
IT is very simple to play Lateral Thinking Puzzles. The presenter explAIns the puzzle (sITuation),and the players have to rebuild the whole story. To do this,they ask the presenter questions that he can answer yes,no or not important. Interesting,unusual,unexpected,mysterious,funny or scary sITuations and stories appear due to these answers. The player who guesses the first key moment in the story,and lays down the story into the whole picture will be the winner.