Lost Qubixle

The Lost Qubixle is a perspective puzzle game. Your task is to reconstruct a figure from three persp……
Lost Qubixle是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢Lost Qubixle的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


The Lost Qubixle is a perspective puzzle game. Your task is to reconstruct a figure from three perspectives. This game requires that you use your perception skills and that you make the best use of your logical thinking. Overcome the barriers of your perception and improve your logical thinking by solving mind-blowing puzzles.Story:Do you ever asked yourself what happens when a star collapses? The Qubixle is a cube-shaped star which collapsed suddenly. You...

The Lost Qubixle is a perspective puzzle game. Your task is to reconstruct a figure from three perspectives. This game requires that you use your perception skills and that you make the best use of your logical thinking. Overcome the barriers of your perception and improve your logical thinking by solving mind-blowing puzzles.


Do you ever asked yourself what happens when a star collapses The Qubixle is a cube-shaped star which collapsed suddenly. Your task is to reconstruct the star wITh the guidance of the robot Qubie. But Qubies memory is not the best and you only have three views to reconstruct IT wITh as few cubes as possible.


- perspective puzzle game

- 45 level of mind-bending puzzles - see http://clearthegap.com/#levels

- 3 degrees of difficulty

- Achievements and Leaderboards

