Cover Orange

Make your day orange!Over 10 million iOS downloads! Join the party! :) - also available for iPad and……
Cover Orange是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢Cover Orange的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Make your day orange!Over 10 million iOS downloads! Join the party! :) - also available for iPad and Mac OS!TOXIC ALERT! A deadly genetically modified rain cloud of fruit dissolving vapour is heading for the orange capital of the world!WANTED! A fruit loving, natural-ingredient pioneering hero!WHEN? Now! Can you ‘orange’ it?MISSION! Drag the various objects at your disposal to create barriers that will protect the oranges from the acid rain. Us...

Make your day orange!

Over 10 million iOs downloads! Join the party! :)

- also AVAIlable for iPad and Mac Os!


A deadly genetically modified rAIn cloud of fruIT dissolving vapour is heading for the orange capITal of the world!


A fruIT loving,natural-ingredient pioneering hero!


Now! can you orange IT


Drag the various objects at your disposal to create barriers that will protect the oranges from the acid rAIn. Use your skill and ingenuITy to achieve the maximum population survival rate. VITamin collateral damage is not an option.


Adoring shouts and cheers from the small,orange,spherical guys and their undying love.

cover Orange is an excITing puzzle game suITable for all ages. IT combines realistic game physics,enduring levels,vibrant colours and laugh out loud animations.

ITs time to pump up the juice in a game made from pure orange concentrate!



quot;cover Orange: Best game since cut the Ropequot;

quot;.. instantly accessible,wholly addictive,and thoroughly entertAIning--just like Angry Birds and cut the Rope.quot;


quot;cover Orange is just what an iPhone game should be: a fun concept wITh simple touch screen controls and sharp graphics. If you#039;re looking for your next portable addiction,IT#039;s got your bases covered.quot;


quot;I#039;ve definITely felt that quot;ok,just one more levelquot; draw that a clever puzzler will inspire,making IT tough to walk away fromquot;


quot;cover Orange HD got the creative juices flowing.quot;

quot;We recommend a buy..quot;


- Retina screen support

- iPhone 5 widescreen support

- Apple GAME cENTER support

- Includes 400 Levels

- Ultra-realistic object physics

- A true Internet hIT wITh over 170 million plays

- Music by Eduard Tziselsky,composer for the tv-show quot;Village of foolsquot;

- User-friendly touch controls

- Dazzling colors

- countless hours of fun

Watch the game in action:

