IQ Test Pro Edition

Try Best Way To Know Your IQ!IQ Test Pro Edition. 2 Differents Tests With solutionsReviews"Ther……
IQ Test Pro Edition是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢IQ Test Pro Edition的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


Try Best Way To Know Your IQ!IQ Test Pro Edition. 2 Differents Tests With solutionsReviews"There's always another app claiming to test your brain. This one delivered!I am very pleased with it. I'll be recommending this to all my friends. It's a great way to get the juices of the mind flowing. I don't know what the actual standard test consists of, however I can imagine it's pretty similar to this apps knowledge base! In closin...

Try Best Way To Know Your IQ!

IQ Test Pro EdITion. 2 Differents Tests WITh solutions


quot;There#039;s always another app clAIming to test your brAIn. This one delivered!

I am very pleased wITh IT. I#039;ll be recommending this to all my friends. IT#039;s a great way to get the juices of the mind flowing. I don#039;t know what the actual standard test consists of,however I can imagine IT#039;s pretty similar to this apps knowledge base! In closing -sending my thanks to the developers!quot;

quot;I can#039;t believe all these people bragging that they got IQ#039;s of 135 and 140. The average is 100. Obviously,most of you people are lying. 3% of people have an IQ of 5 and over. 0.39% have an IQ over 140. One things I say,is that,#039;the person who tells everyone how smart they are probably are not.#039; My sister is is pretty smart and has an IQ of 8. she#039;s going to MIT. I think you people bragging about your iq probably aren#039;t the smartest. If you were really smart,you#039;d know everyone would just say your lying and not tell everyone your IQ. I think IT#039;s a good,accurate app because my sister took a really long iq test and got the exact same score.quot;

IQ Test like a Job Interview

AVAIlable for iPad and iPhone.

2 different tests! And... IQ average ;)

+39 Questions to get your IQ! iq test.

+33 Questions to get your IQ! European iq test.

WITh solutions!

An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The abbreviation quot;Iqquot; comes from the German term Intelligenz-Quotient,originally coined by psychologist William stern.

NOTE: This test is intended for entertAInment purposes only.

Try IT.

