BELPAESE: Homecoming

BELPAESE: Homecoming is the first chapter of a 2D Point & Click Retro-Indie Graphic Adventure Ga……
BELPAESE: Homecoming是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢BELPAESE: Homecoming的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


BELPAESE: Homecoming is the first chapter of a 2D Point & Click Retro-Indie Graphic Adventure Game. It illustrates the Point & Click political rise of a slob who, despite his many defects, in fact thanks to them, is rewarded with easy women, money, power and fame. In short: the art of making do with nothing!A game about politics?! How boring! (Not.)No other game can boast a political system so full of crazy, laughable twists and turns. To rule we h...

BELPAEsE: Homecoming is the first chapter of a 2D Point click Retro-Indie Graphic Adventure Game. IT illustrates the Point click polITical rise of a slob who,despITe his many defects,in fact thanks to them,is rewarded wITh easy women,money,power and fame. In short: the art of making do wITh nothing!

A game about polITics! How boring! (Not.)

No other game can boast a polITical system so full of crazy,laughable twists and turns. To rule we have the losers: in their job,in their studieshellip; in everything: the bullies who grew up stealing other kids#039; lunch money,flunked out of universITy and,having tried all possible shortcuts to wealth,finally find their calling by jumping into polITics. The best part about this circus full of grotesque characters is that you can#039;t help laughing at them.

Made in ITaly,in fact Made in two

Game Design,sound Design,coding and soundrack are by the fazz Brothers,a crazy theoretical physicist and a nuclear engineer who have decided to quIT their jobs and become indie developers: the art of making do wITh nothing,as we sAid!

Technical specifications

middot; 2D Point and click Graphic Adventure Game

middot; Playable in English and ITalian

middot; More than 2 characters,but less than 1000

middot; Enough locations

middot; 4 hours game for players wITh QI more than 110. If you have less than 91,buy IT but dont play IT!

