Word Magic: Word Search Game

• Word Search Game with randomly generated boards• Over 1700 words in 21 categories• ……
Word Magic: Word Search Game是一款有趣的苹果问答游戏,喜欢Word Magic: Word Search Game的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


• Word Search Game with randomly generated boards• Over 1700 words in 21 categories• Board sizes of Large, Medium, or Small to make for easier or harder gameplay• Disable diagonal words to make an easier game• Disable sound effects• No network connection required

bull; Word search Game wITh randomly generated boards

bull; Over 1700 words in 21 categories

bull; Board sizes of Large,Medium,or small to make for easier or harder gameplay

bull; Disable diagonal words to make an easier game

bull; Disable sound effects

bull; No network connection required

