7 Wonders Duel

With 7 Wonders Duel:- Play against the AI- Pass'N Play- Face your friends on the Internet- Moni……
7 Wonders Duel是一款有趣的苹果卡牌游戏,喜欢7 Wonders Duel的朋友赶紧扫码下载吧!


With 7 Wonders Duel:- Play against the AI- Pass'N Play- Face your friends on the Internet- Monitor your statistics- Compete against players from all over the world in ranked gamesTake the lead of a civilization, make it prosper and surpass your opponents!The 7 Wonders Duel application is an adaptation of the famous 7 Wonders Duel board game.In 7 Wonders Duel, each player takes turns choosing one card from those available in the game structure. These c...

WITh 7 Wonders Duel:

- Play agAInst the AI

- Pass'N Play

- face your friends on the Internet

- MonITor your statistics

- compete agAInst players from all over the world in ranked games

Take the lead of a civilization,make IT prosper and surpass your opponents!

The 7 Wonders Duel application is an adaptation of the famous 7 Wonders Duel board game.

In 7 Wonders Duel,each player takes turns choosing one card from those AVAIlable in the game structure. These cards represent a building that the player uses in his cITy to develop IT. There are different types of buildings: resource producers,commercials,milITary,scientists and civilian buildings.

The game is played in 3 ages,symbolizing the players' progress over time. When the last card of the last age is played,the player wITh the most victory points wins the game,unless a player achieves scientific or milITary supremacy during the game. In this case,the player wins immediately.

AVAIlable in : fR,EN,DE,sP,IT,NL,PL

